
The Presidential elections are next year, and following the Democrats, we now present the top favorites for the Republican nominee.

Before betting on the Democratic Nominee for the 2024 Elections 

The entire situation is much more complicated in the Republican party when talking about this matter. Unlike the Democrats, the Reds have two prominent candidates, and we expect to see a battle in their preliminaries. Some say that this might divide the voters, who would lose the motive to vote if the candidate isn’t their choice.Β 

2024 Democratic Nominee Elections Offshore Odds

The former President Donald Trump has the best chance to run for the next President. That would be his second term, and he would be the first President returning after an exit from the Oval Office. Trump still claims that he won the previous elections and that the elites robbed him.

Donald Trump 1.75
Ron DeSantis2.75
Nikki Haley16
Tim Scott25
Glenn Youngkin30

The second-placed is Florida’s Governor, Ron DeSantis. He emerged as a strong favorite after cementing his spot in Florida, and his policy during the lockouts. 

These two are far away from the rest of the crew, which includes some pretty interesting and popular names. Nikki Haley aims to be the first woman in charge of the USA and is ahead of Tim Scott, Glenn Youngkin, and Mike Pence. The list goes on, with names like Mike Pompeo, Ted Cruz, and Tucker Carlson finding their name on it. The latter one is +10000.

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